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The Image of the Other in Education

The Image of the Other in Education

Interreligious and intercultural education means learning about the faiths and cultures of others, including through dialogue and exchange. It takes place in many forms across the globe, as part of disciplines including citizenship education, peace and values education, social studies and history.  It occurs in confessional and non-confessional contexts, in formal and non-formal education.  It builds intercultural competencies, preventing stereotypes and discrimination.

The current culturally diverse models of interreligious education have the power to support social cohesion and peaceful coexistence.  KAICIID’s work in this field draws upon a rare and specialized expertise base in interreligious and intercultural dialogue training and skills as a pillar of lifelong learning.

KAICIID’s Image of the Other Programme began with a focus on building accurate representation of religious and cultural diversity through interreligious and intercultural education.  KAICIID connects researchers, practitioners, educators and policymakers to each other to share case studies and methods successfully used in intercultural and interreligious education in all world regions to promote diversity. The programme supports the exchange of ideas and approaches, serving as a platform for public outreach, sharing best practices, ideas and materials trans-regionally.

In the first year of the programme, KAICIID held four regional conferences to survey practitioners and gather best practices and recommendations that were then presented at the KAICIID Global Forum in November 2013. In 2014, a programme was developed that implemented these recommendations, featuring three distinct approaches:

The Practical Strand includes the development of an online resource prototype and tool kit for curriculum development and self-assessment, teacher training and student assessment to bridge the gap between existing international standards and practical needs in different world regions. More specifically, the tool includes goal-setting, professional development for educators and assessment tools for students, including online tools that will be applicable in various countries.

The Intellectual Strand covers the generation of knowledge and the sharing of diverse practical and policy approaches with interreligious education institutions worldwide. KAICIID is the guest editor for a special issue of the journal International Review of Education (IRE) focusing on interreligious education. The journal is distributed in over 3000 academic institutions.

The Policy Strand includes the maintenance of a network of education experts and governmental focal points, to enable them to share and develop policy practice in interreligious education. This strand includes a number of ongoing meeting and conferences in the framework of the KAICIID Policy Network.



A direct result of the recommendations from KAICIID’s 2013 Image of the Other in Education programme, the KAICIID Policy Network (KPN) is a platform for experts and governmental focal points (education, religious affairs and integration ministries) to discuss interreligious and intercultural education in formal and non-formal education. The focus includes interreligious education, curriculum development and evaluation tools, teacher training and new e-learning resources.

The first of its kind, the KPN is designed to fill a gap by supporting education policymakers, curriculum developers, supervisors and evaluators in their efforts to promote accurate representations of which supports and cross-cultural understanding. The network provides sustained dialogue and information sharing; peer advising and technical assistance; professional development and maintenance of professional relationships among network members.

Through private working meetings, policymakers and education experts from international organizations and academia share information, build institutional memory and expertise, enhance communication and better increase awareness and understanding of different types of approaches in and across diverse national contexts. The KPN is a cross-border community committed to interreligious and intercultural education.

E-Learning Courses

KAICIID e-learning courses are designed to benefit both dialogue professionals and the general public. All e-learning courses are linked with global initiatives and development goals for sustainable peace. Participants can register for a short self-paced course, or a longer instructor-led moderated course. The e-learning courses are interactive, compatible with mobile devices, and are offered free of charge in English, as well as Arabic and French. A certificate is provided upon completion.



KAICIID’s Connect2Dialogue platform supports interreligious dialogue initiatives such as peacebuilding, conflict resolution, hate speech prevention and sustainable development. The platform offers resources for both practitioners and the general public.

The Connect2Dialogue directory identifies organizations and actors around the world working on interreligious dialogue, connects interreligious dialogue practitioners and keeps them in the loop about interfaith affairs.

The Connect2Dialogue networking platform creates a unique opportunity to ensure dialogue continues across the globe, so that dialogue practitioners can find the resources and funding they need. It contains special members-only features, such as the ability to expand personal contacts both regionally and around the world, foster partnerships with others working on similar projects, exchange ideas and resources, and form interest groups. Membership is free and open to anyone working in dialogue. Members will have access to job boards and funding opportunities, as well as shared calendars of interreligious dialogue events.





Our global conferences and fora convene, among other relevant stakeholders from a variety of fields, religious leaders, policymakers and representatives of civil society organizations to address global challenges and threats to peaceful, cohesive communities. From our annual European Policy Dialogue Forum to the G20 Interfaith Forum, we have gathered thousands of participants to discuss issues such as combatting hate speech, using dialogue to support global development, and tackling violent extremism and the manipulation of religion to justify violence.


European Muslim Leaders' Majlis (EULEMA)


The European Muslim Leaders' Majlis (EuLeMa) is an informal network of European Muslim religious leaders who seek to synchronise Muslim voices in Europe, giving particular support to the work of the Muslim Jewish Leadership Council (MJLC). The EuLeMa was informally established in 2018 to support productive interactions and allow for a respectful exchange between faith and secular sectors in Europe in an effort to promote the equal rights and responsibilities of European citizens.

This network represents a new and unique body, which acts as a valuable example of intra-religious dialogue, alongside the MJLC. Upon the creation of the MJLC, it became evident that the European Muslim community is not centrally organized, with different groups often speaking different languages and identifying with non-European religious authorities or national governments.

This may impede the views and experiences of European Muslims and makes it more difficult to articulate them to effectively communicate their needs and requests to policymakers. Through its work, EuLeMa aims to foster cross-sectoral exchanges, engages in interfaith work, and supports campaigns for the rights of the Muslim community in Europe.

Paungsie Metta (PMI)


The Peaceful Myanmar Initiative (PMI), locally known as Paungsie Metta, is a multi-religious and inclusive network composed of 15 prominent religious leaders from different faith traditions (Buddhists, Muslims and Christians) and civil society organizations who promote dialogue across Myanmar.

Led by highly regarded monks, Muslim leaders and civil society activists, the PMI joins KAICIID in piloting interreligious dialogue and social media trainings. The PMI and its partners aim to promote sustainable networks and platforms of Burmese-led activities that build bridges between diverse religious, ethnic, political and regional communities.


KAICIID webinars convene prominent faith leaders and other religious actors, civil society and non-governmental organizations, academics, policy experts and government representatives to discuss pressing challenges related to peace, human rights and sustainable development. Register for an upcoming webinar or check out one of our archived sessions by clicking on the links below.

All webinars are presented in their original language.

Note: The webinars are ordered in a descending chronological order – most recent webinars are at the top of the page.

Interreligious Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation in the Arab World (IPDC)


Launched in 2018, the IPDC advocates the rights and inclusion of all communities in the Arab World, combats hatred and sectarianism and jointly addresses threats to peaceful coexistence. Platform members include twenty-three of the highest religious authorities from Muslim and Christian institutions across the Arab region.

The IPDC is a growing network of diverse religious and ethnic communities that come together to collaborate in the name of peaceful coexistence and interreligious dialogue. KAICIID implements all its programmes in the Arab region in collaboration with the IPDC, including:

  • She for Dialogue – a women’s empowerment project currently working with women from Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria to tackle relevant topics such as gender mainstreaming in the field of interreligious dialogue, and ways in which identity intersects with religion, ethnicity, culture and nationality.
  • The Youth Forum for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in the Arab Region, which provides an accessible, safe space for dialogue for young people from all religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
  • The implementation of KAICIID’s Dialogue360 projects (previously Dialogue 60 and Dialogue 100), which support grassroots organizations with interreligious dialogue initiatives.
  • The Dialogue Journalism Fellowship, which trains journalists in interreligious dialogue while reinforcing the core values of journalism which promote accuracy, fairness, balance, as well as respect for diversity, ethnicity, and religion. The programme aims to influence the way media reports on conflicts in the region, helping journalists become more aware of their role as peacebuilders and dialogue practitioners.

For The Media

KAICIID experts are available for interview requests, speaking engagements or for more information about KAICIID's work. Please contact the KAICIID Communications Department for more details.

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