Europe Region
KAICIID’s Europe Region programme envisions a continent where religious actors and policymakers have established channels of communication, listen to one another’s concerns and provide support and cooperation to each other. Through facilitating interreligious activities, KAICIID acts as a convener for cross-sector dialogue and enables policy initiatives to take place. Dialogue can address Europe’s current divisions and strengthen social cohesion to obtain equal rights and human dignity for everyone, including minorities.
With the expansion of its programmatic scope in Europe, the Centre seeks to provide many options to help civil society leaders more easily coordinate existing efforts at inclusion and to help policymakers as they try to represent and reflect the concerns of the continent’s diverse communities.
Structured across three key pillars, the ERP is designed to unite religious leaders and policymakers in joint efforts which address some of the continent’s most pressing problems: the need for inclusive education for, and with refugees and migrants; the need for investigating and strengthening ways in which European leaders can act to protect religious minorities and preserve social solidarity; and the provision of capacity-building tools for religious leaders and FBOs to build up resilience, address and prevent hate speech and hate crime in Europe.
Social Cohesion Initiative (SCI)
Ethnic, national and religious diversity are growing in Europe. At the same time, there is a rising tendency of populism and demagogy against such diversity, often seen through social exclusion, hate speech and a narrative of fear. Religious actors are uniquely positioned to support processes that strengthen solidarity and foster social cohesion, but they lack the platforms to reach policymakers for those efforts.
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Discrimination, conflict, the destruction of sacred sites and the environment are all problems with deep roots and many dimensions, which specific actors from different disciplines may be best-placed to counter. For that reason, the promotion of consultation and collaboration between different individuals, groups and sectors are an important way for KAICIID to help.
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KAICIID’s Programme for the Social Inclusion of People Seeking Refuge in Europe seeks to enhance the social inclusion and improve participation in European society by strengthening the two-way integration of refugees and migrants into the host society thereby contributing to improved social cohesion.
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