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Plateforme des Confessions Religieuses de Centrafrique (PCRC)


In 2013, as violence intensified in the Central African Republic (CAR), key national leaders of the Catholic, Evangelical, and Muslim communities joined forces to de-escalate the crisis through the Platform of Religious Confessions of CAR, or “Plateforme des Confessions Religieuses de Centrafrique” (PCRC). Over the past few years, the PCRC has successfully defused tensions at the local level by deploying high-level religious leaders on the ground and conducting mediation initiatives between armed groups. KAICIID has supported the platform since 2017, helping to build and strengthen branches (or “antennae offices”) across the country.

Since its founding, the PCRC has run diverse initiatives to prevent violence. These include training religious and other community leaders to prevent hate speech and rumour-mongering, which can provoke unrest and incite clashes; informing political candidates and activists on the importance of using non-divisive language; hosting conflict-prevention sessions for youth leaders; and meeting with ruling politicians to advocate conciliatory messaging. Elsewhere it has urged militia leaders to renounce violence and encouraged Christian communities to allow displaced Muslims to return.

In 2021, as widespread violence resumed in the country, PCRC leaders deployed interreligious mediation teams to the front lines and opened dialogues between armed groups, the local population, UN peacekeepers, government representatives and civil society groups in an effort to sustain the country’s current peace agreement.



KAICIID Fellows Alumni Network


Following the close of KAICIID Fellows first year of training, graduates join a vibrant community of hundreds of global changemakers through the programme’s alumni network. KAICIID regularly hosts continuing education opportunities and workshops for Fellows alumni, and fosters an environment of opportunity and cross-disciplinary collaboration. The Network has helped Fellows expand and deepen the impact of their initiatives, allowing them to share best practices with one another and find funding and resources. The Network also provides professional development opportunities to reinforce lasting outcomes in the field.

Social Media Regional Network


Launched in 2021 by graduates of KAICIID’s Social Media as a Space for Dialogue Programme, the Social Media Regional Network brings together a diverse group of young activists and influencers from across the Arab Region.

Members of the Network have launched numerous digital campaigns which are dedicated to promoting peaceful coexistence, upholding the values of pluralism and common citizenship, contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and building partnerships with policymakers.

The Network also uses interreligious and intercultural dialogue to promote peace online and celebrate religious, ethnic and cultural diversity from across the Arab region. Their efforts have additionally strengthened the resilience of faith-based and community groups to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 16.

Network for Dialogue


The Network for Dialogue was officially launched in March 2019 in Bologna, Italy, and brings together European faith-based, secular organizations and other experts to jointly promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue for the social inclusion of refugees and migrants. Members come from around Europe, including Austria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

Supported by KAICIID, the Network for Dialogue aims to foster social inclusion, peace and coexistence in Europe within the context of migration, the Network also works to reduce hate speech and prejudice towards refugees and migrants in Europe. In gathering both faith-based and secular organizations that use dialogical approaches in their work, the Network effectively promotes the use of intercultural and interreligious dialogue by policymakers in developing policy recommendations.

To learn more about the Network for Dialogue, visit


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