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تعالج منصات الحوار التابعة لكايسيد، القائمة على الشراكات بين أتباع الأديان، المحركات الرئيسة للصراع بالاعتماد على السياسات وأنشطة المناصرة ومبادرات الحوار المحلي على مستوى القاعدة الشعبية. وإذ تلتقي منصاتنا الإقليمية بقيادات دينية متنوعة رفيعة المستوى وتسخر سلطتها ونفوذها للتأثير في أعداد كبيرة من أتباعها، فإنها تجمع أيضًا أعضاء المنظمات الشعبية معًا -مع التركيز على النساء والشباب- لمضاعفة تأثيرنا وتحويل الحوار إلى عمل.

ACWAY (A Common Word Among the Youth)


Missverständnisse, Misstrauen, Fehldarstellungen und Konflikt zwischen religiösen und kulturellen Gruppen verursachen zu häufig Leid und Zerrüttung auf der Welt. In manchen Fällen verschlimmern die Schwierigkeiten und Frustrationen, mit denen sich jüngere Generationen konfrontiert sehen, die Situation erheblich. KAICIID ist bewusst, dass Spannungen zwischen Gruppen immer ihre eigenen, lokalen Dynamiken und Herausforderungen mit sich bringen, die nicht mit generischen Lösungen oder aus der Ferne adressiert werden können. Darüber hinaus konzentrieren sich Initiativen zur Förderung von interreligiösem und interkulturellem Dialog (IRD/ICD) oft stark auf die Einbeziehung religiöser Oberhäupter, deren Einfluss auf und Verständnis von jungen Menschen häufig schlecht ist. 

Im Gegensatz dazu haben junge Menschen, deren Beitrag zu interreligiösen und interkulturellen Beziehungen innovativ und langlebig sein kann, den Vorteil, dass sie auf Gleichaltrige über soziale Medien sichtbaren Einfluss ausüben und sie so in lokale Vorhaben mit einbeziehen können. Da sie jedoch oft wenig Erfahrung mit anderen Religionen, IRD, und Projektmanagement haben, brauchen sie — damit sie zu interreligiösen und interkulturellen Aktivisten werden können — Kurse, in denen sie diese Erfahrungen machen können und die ihnen diese Fähigkeiten und Unterstützung mitgeben.

"A Common Word Among the Youth" war ein Programm, das von KAICIID in Zusammenarbeit mit der Right Start Foundation International (RSFI) entwickelt wurde, um junge, enthusiastische Aktivisten dabei zu unterstützen, dort zu arbeiten, wo sie leben, und so nachhaltigen Einfluss auf möglichst viele Gemeinschaften auszuüben. Das Programm war eines von KAICIIDs ersten "metamorphen" Projekten für junge Anführer. Es begleitete Teilnehmer, die anfangs kein oder nur wenig Wissen über IRD oder sogar andere Religionen hatten, auf ihrem Weg zum erfolgreichen Arbeiten als aktive und ausgebildete Agenten für interreligiösen Dialog. In vielerlei Hinsicht war das Programm damit einer der Vorläufer des bekannten KAICIID Fellows-Programms.

Bei der Einführung von "A Common Word Among the Youth" arbeitete KAICIID gemeinsam mit der Right Start Foundation International an der Erstellung eines Programms, das potentiell großen und nachhaltigen Einfluss auf Graswurzelgemeinschaften überall auf der Welt haben würde und das in den sozialen Medien Geschichten schreiben würde, die ein breiteres Publikum inspirieren und Aufmerksamkeit für IRD schaffen.

Gemeinsam wählten die Organisationen junge Menschen aus, die in ihren Gemeinschaften bereits an relevanten sozialen Projekten arbeiteten. Im Dezember 2015 versammelte sich eine Gruppe von 85 jungen Menschen mit verschiedenen Hintergründen aus rund 70 Ländern im Rahmen eines geförderten, einwöchigen Seminars im marokkanischen Rabat. Dort profitierten die Teilnehmer von der Expertise von ISESCO, der Weltpfadfinderbewegung (WOSM) und der Universität von Georgetown. Von verschiedenen Dozenten lernten die ACWAY-Teilnehmer über unterschiedliche Religionen und Kulturen, das Konzept des IRD sowie Projektdesign und Management. Diese intensive Lebens- und Arbeitserfahrung bildete die Grundlage eines Netzwerks, das —in den sozialen Medien unterstützt durch die RSFI — sie in den darauffolgenden sechs Monaten unterstützte, in denen jeder Teilnehmer in seiner Heimatgemeinde ein selbst entworfenes Projekt durchführte.

Seit Dezember realisierten die Teilnehmer dutzende Projekte. Die RSFI überwachte und ermutigte die jungen Leute und half ihnen mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Um das Engagement der Teilnehmer aufrechtzuerhalten, schrieb KAICIID fünf Preise von je bis zu 2000 Euro für die fortgeschrittensten Projektdesigns aus. Die preisgekrönten Projekte finden in Afrika und Asien statt und reichen von intensiven Dialogveranstaltungen in den Andachtsstätten verschiedener Religionen in Indonesien hin zu gemeinsamen religiösen Interessensvertretungs- und Arbeitsteams, die in Dörfern in Nordghana Abflüsse reinigen und so Krankheiten verhindern.

MultiReligious Collaboration for the Common Good

MultiReligious Collaboration for the Common Good

The Multireligious Collaboration for the Common Good (MCC) programme comprised country projects in Tanzania and Indonesia to build capacity to undertake IRD to strengthen social cohesion. The projects were led by KAICIID field experts and affiliates of Religions for Peace (RFP) . Tanzania and Indonesia share a governmental and societal priority in constructively managing diversity in their societies. The local RfP affiliates were well-placed to support local KAICIID Field Experts in their work.

The programme in each country focussed upon three pillars of activity:

  1. Dialogue Capacity Building to strengthen of interreligious dialogue platforms
  2. Dialogue in Support of Child Wellbeing
  3. Dialogue in Support of Interreligious Education

The MCC programme emphasized flexibility by empowering the field experts and local interreligious councils to adapt and tailor activities to meet the needs of the local communities. As a result, in Indonesia where KAICIID’s expert Ms Wiwin Rohmawati collaborated with the Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilisations (CDCC), consultation groups of academics and religious leaders from across the country produced the following:

  • Four Modules on Peace Education in Indonesian which were launched in June 2016
  • A Baseline Study of IRD in Indonesia, covering some 2000 individuals in five cities, which Indonesian organizations have requested permission to use and develop further (delivered in July 2016

In Tanzania, field expert Bakari Ally collaborated with the Interreligious Council for Peace, Tanzania (IRCPT)  to deliver:

  • A Baseline Study of IRD in Tanzania
  • Peace Education and Training Curriculum
  • Child Welfare Manual for Religious Leaders

خريطة توزع الزملاء


زملاء برامج كايسيد للزمالة الدولية؛ هم مجتمع عالمي يضم العديد من القيادات الدينية والشخصيات التربوية وممارسي الحوار من نحو (60) دولة حول العالم. انقر على الخريطة التفاعلية لمعرفة المزيد عن كل زميل من زملائنا المتنوعين، فضلًا عن مشاريع الحوار بين أتباع الأديان.

Mapping Dialogue for Peace

Mapping Dialogue for Peace

“What if you could illustrate religion’s relationship with conflict, but also with peace, coexistence, human rights and development?”

Conflict in the name of religion is a fact of life for everyone these days. From terrorist actions against media, to the chilling rhetoric of the “Islamic State”, to bloody tensions devolving around religious lines in Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, the media is flooded with examples of people who use their religion as an excuse to commit violence.

But this is only one part of the story.

All over the world, and since the beginning of time, there are a far larger number of people who are motivated by their religious beliefs to pursue peace and tolerance.

KAICIID’s Peace Mapping Project is an interactive, online, crowd-sourced database that seeks to map these opposing paradigms.

On the one hand, it acknowledges and documents existing tensions and conflicts in the name of religion. On the other, it documents the numerous actions of those people who seek to bridge differences through interreligious dialogue.

The Peace Mapping Project is a tool for students, researchers, policymakers and dialogue experts to learn about several hundred organisations that are committed to interreligious dialogue: be it conflict resolution, upholding human rights, education or development.

The project aims to go even further: to explain what makes interreligious dialogue intervention unique, efficient, and a sustainable path for peaceful coexistence for us all. 

view the map in full screen


Cooperation with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

Cooperation with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers was established in January 2013 by the initiative of United Nations Mediation Support Unit (MSU) to encourage entities that work with these peacemakers to increase their cooperation, develop together better mechanisms for support and provide advice for United Nations entities when suitable.

The main structure of the Network is the Advisory Group, consisting of key organizations implementing programmes that support religious and traditional peacemakers. The Advisory Group meets annually and takes increasing ownership of steering the Network and ensuring that its functions are helpful for their programmes and joint activities.

 The Network is composed of diverse and active individuals and organizations—from grassroots religious and traditional peacemaking organizations to international NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and academic institutions.  They work together to strengthen and support the positive role of religious and traditional peacemakers in peacebuilding processes, from the local to the international level. KAICIID joins this Network as an important partner and is working with it on a number of important initiatives.

On 30 August 2015, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), based in Vienna, became the newest member of the Core Group of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, joining Religions for Peace, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Finn Church Aid (FCA). The Network Core group regularly consults with the UN Mediation Support Unit, in the UN Department of Political Affairs and the UN Alliance of Civilizations.


Training of Trainers

Training of Trainers



Current political developments in many areas around the world vividly demonstrate the need to increase the number of people skilled in interreligious dialogue, especially for peacebuilding purposes. This effort will prove most effective, if undertaken in systematic collaboration with existing local, national and international interreligious organizations. KAICIID’s transnational Training of Trainers (ToT) programme builds on best practices with current training of trainers techniques utilized in interreligious dialogue for peacebuilding.

KAICIID launched its international ToT to empower capacity-building practitioners of interreligious dialogue by offering them the knowledge, skills and resources needed to facilitate high-quality and effective interreligious dialogues.

  • Trains new trainers and facilitators in interreligious and intercultural dialogue
  • Builds trainers’ and facilitators’ capacity by connecting them with international colleagues
  • Enhances the quality of dialogue trainings and actual dialogues by supporting the field with highly skilled trainers, facilitators, and training resources

KAICIID Dialogue Exhibition

KAICIID Dialogue Exhibition

Through various educational activities, games and discussions the Exhibition demonstrates the link between three medieval travellers and modern day intercultural and interreligious initiatives.  As an integral part of the KAICIID Peace Mapping Project, the Exhibition will gradually incorporate and present findings of the project and provide an insight into dialogue activities worldwide.  Starting February 2015 the Exhibition will be opened to school children of two age groups: 10-14 years old and 15-18 years old.  The visit will include tour of the Exhibition, tour of the Palais Sturany, and an educational programme depending on the age group.

1. Relationship-Building

How travel fosters respect, tolerance and understanding

In this interactive workshop, we set sail to places unknown and times long gone. Participants become discoverers and are sent on an adventurous tour in the footsteps of three historic travelers: Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Zheng He, as well as five young travelers who toured the world in 2013-14.

We use travel as a window to exciting and unpredictable adventures that create greater understanding of different cultures and religions. Participants will be encouraged to solve certain puzzles by working in small groups, to allow them to gain a deeper insight into what constitutes the bases of concepts such as respect, tolerance and understanding.

The format of this educational program is based on “face-to-face communication”, with different settings and communication channels.

Age group: 10-14 y.o.;  Duration: 90min

2. Exchange on Expeditions

Intercultural dialogue on past and present adventures

How do young travelers of today experience intercultural exchange and how could discoverers of early modern times such as Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Zheng He have perceived foreign encounters? By using the exhibition ‘Past and Present Travelers’, this interactive workshop encourages students to reflect on the role of dialogue in a conflict-ridden world and highlights the importance of intercultural and interreligious relations for peacebuilding.

Participants will work in small groups on four basic ingredients of dialogue – encounter, understanding, respect and tolerance and will present their findings in a poster session at the end of the workshop.

The format of this education program is based on “face-to-face communication” and participatory principles that create a culture of understanding in a diverse world, where people with different views and values can live in peaceful coexistence.

Age group: 15-18 y.o.;  Duration: 90 min

Interested in organising a visit to the kaiciid dialogue exhibition for your school group or association?

Educational programmes are offered in German or English

Available time slots: Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 4pm (except bank holidays)

Contact Person: Mag. Katerina Khareyn, MBA

Phone: +43 (0) 313220

Email: exhibition(at)

(Outdated) United Against Violence in the Name of Religion

(Outdated) United Against Violence in the Name of Religion

The UVNR Initiative was launched in Vienna in November 2014 at an historic meeting that convened leaders of Muslim, Christian, and other religious and ethnic communities from Iraq, Syria and the larger Middle East, where they jointly issued the Vienna Declaration, denouncing violence in the name of religion.

Under this initiative, the Centre is working with high level representatives of ve of the world’s major religions, as well as representatives of the Muslim communities, the Armenian Orthodox Church, the Council of Senior Scholars from Saudi Arabia, Evangelicals, the Iraqi Muslim Association, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East, the Maronites, the Melkite Greek Catholics, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), the Mouwahiddoun Druze community 

in Lebanon, Protestant communities, the Yazidis, among many others. Working with this extensive network of religious leaders and communities, the Centre is undertaking activities with a range of partners, including UNESCO, UNDP, the UN O ce for the Prevention of Genocide and ISESCO, as well as various NGOs.

As a rst UVNR follow up event, the Centre held a meeting in Beirut, Lebanon in May 2015, where the representatives of high level religious leaders from the Arab world agreed to continue to work together. This event involved religious leaders, leading policymakers from governments, international organizations, and humanitarian and peace organizations active in the region.

In September 2015, high level Christian and Muslim religious leaders from the Middle East met in Athens and endorsed the “Athens Declaration: United Against Violence in the Name of Religion - Supporting the Citizenship Rights of Christians, Muslims and Other Religious and Ethnic Groups in the Middle East”. The religious leaders called upon political leaders and civil society to take a strong stand against growing violent extremism and terrorism which threaten centuries of peaceful coexistence in the Middle East.

برنامج المنطقة الأوروبية

برنامج المنطقة الأوروبية

في عام 2021، وسَّع مركز الحوار العالمي "كايسيد" برامجه في أوروبا لمعالجة التداعيات المتعددة الطويلة الأجل لأزمة اللاجئين في عام 2015 والتحديات المعقَّدة التي تفرضها الهجرة. وعلى مدى السنوات الست الماضية، اتسمت القارة بتهديدات لتماسكها الاجتماعي وبزيادة الخطاب القائم على الخوف الذي يستهدف اللاجئين والمهاجرين في مناخ سياسي واجتماعي يزداد تحديًا وبالافتقار إلى تدابير فاعلة وسياسات مستدامة لتعزيز اندماجهم في المجتمعات الأوروبية المضيفة.ويسعى المركز، عبر توسيع نطاق برامجه في أوروبا، إلى إتاحة خيارات عديدة لمساعدة قيادات المجتمع المدني على تنسيق الجهود المبذولة حاليًّا من أجل الاندماج بسهولة أكبر وإعانة صانعي السياسات على تمثيل شواغل مختلِف المجتمعات المحلية في القارة والتعبير عنها.

وإن برنامج المنطقة الأوروبية (ERP) الذي نُظم بالاستناد إلى ثلاث ركائز رئيسة مصمَّم لتوحيد القيادات الدينية وصانعي السياسات في الجهود المشتركة التي تعالج بعض المشكلات الأكثر إلحاحًا في القارة، ومنها الحاجة إلى التعليم الشامل للاجئين والمهاجرين وضرورة استكشاف السبل التي يمكن بها للقيادات الأوروبية العمل على حماية المكونات المجتمعية الدينية جميعها والحفاظ على التضامن الاجتماعي وتعزيز هذه السبل وتقديم أدوات بناء القدرات للقيادات الدينية ومؤسسات القيم الدينية لبناء القدرة على الثبات ومكافحة خطاب الكراهية وجرائم الكراهية في أوروبا.