What is Dialogue?
Dialogue, in general, is a process that involves mutual consultation in pursuit of common understanding through active and compassionate listening in order to discover similarities and understand differences in diverse perspectives and points of view.
Dialogue is not a simple conversation, nor a debate. It is not about convincing others to agree with one’s perspective or convert them. The aim of dialogue is to overcome misunderstandings and dispel stereotypes in order to promote mutual understanding.
Dialogue is about developing mutual respect in order to build sustainable relationships. Dialogue focuses on clarifying both the similarities and the differences on any topic between two persons or groups of people. It builds bridges among those who are different to each other. It transforms human relationships from a state of ignorance or intolerance to a state of deeper understanding and respect for what is shared and what is not.
What is Interreligious/Interfaith Dialogue?
Interreligious (also sometimes called interfaith) dialogue follows the same definition as above, but with one difference: this dialogue takes place between people of different religious backgrounds who seek to learn more about one another.
Through interreligious dialogue, religious communities can overcome perceived and real differences to collectively address challenges in their local, national, regional, or global contexts, such as hate speech, injustice, or environmental degradation.
The 10 Principles of Dialogue
KAICIID and Dialogue
Teaching people to dialogue is at the forefront of many of our programmes. Through our Dialogue Knowledge Hub, Fellows Programme, and partnership with the World Organization of the Scouting Movement, we work together with dialogue experts around the world to give people the tools to mainstream dialogue in their communities.
As a convener, KAICIID brings together religious leaders and policymakers to promote dialogue as a fundamental aspect of policymaking aimed at tackling global problems such as COVID-19, climate change, inequality and poverty. Through our role in initiatives such as the G20 Interfaith Forum and United Against Violence in the Name of Religion, and through our efforts to counter hate speech, we aim to recognise and promote the invaluable contributions of religious communities to peace and development, and to work with them to solve global challenges.
Whether it is due to religious differences or conflict over land or resources, dialogue is essential in bringing people together to overcome common challenges. Our global programmes promote social cohesion through dialogue in communities around the world by building platforms where sustained dialogue can take place in conflict-prone situations and societies such as in Nigeria, Myanmar and the Arab Region.