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In the realm of contemporary literature, the coordinator of the initiative, Abdullah Al Jbour’s encounter with Amin Maalouf’s book ‘Deadly Identities’ sparked a revelation. The enduring relevance of this work today to the intricate web of identities and political intricacies shaping the Arab region remains undeniable.

On 28–29 March 2023, the International Dialogue Centre – KAICIID gathered 25 participants, including nine young people under 30, for a two-day expert meeting in Lisbon. They explored ways to enhance the prospects for the social inclusion of young people in urban areas in Europe. The event benefited from the contribution and support of the European Council of Religious Leaders/Religions for Peace Europe (ECRL/RfP) and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The discussion focused on how to harness dialogue and partnerships between religious and secular actors to bridge social divisions and polarisations in European societies. The main insights from the meeting will feed into a series of briefing papers that will underpin the discussions at the 5th European Policy Dialogue Forum (EPDF) – one of KAICIID’s signature annual events – to be held in Rotterdam in November 2023.

5th European Policy Dialogue Forum in Rotterdam

5th European Policy Dialogue Forum in Rotterdam

The European Policy Dialogue Forum (EPDF) brings religious actors, policymakers and other experts together to establish and strengthen channels of communication, listen to one another’s concerns, identify opportunities to support and cooperate, and to develop recommendations. Interreligious and intercultural dialogue are central to addressing Europe’s current divisions and strengthening social cohesion by promoting equal rights, human dignity and respect for diversity

In a nation like Nigeria, where the Christian and Muslim communities are nearly equal in population, faith forms the bedrock of cultural and spiritual life. Yet, this rich diversity, which could be the nation's strength, has sometimes become its vulnerability. Today's Nigeria grapples with significant religious, ethnic, political, and economic challenges.

In collaboration with the Interfaith Dialogue Forum for Peace (IDFP), KAICIID’s Nigeria programme has successfully developed the Interfaith Code of Conduct (ICoC), Nigeria. This resource is designed to provide guidance for all members of the interfaith community, including Muslim and Christian leaders and their followers. The ICoC is grounded in core values supported by key principles and teachings drawn from Biblical and Quranic quotes.

World Youth Day2023