Yassin Gaafer Addalla Eisa

País: Sudan
Afiliación religiosa: Islam
Director of the Eastern Sector of the National Commission for Human Rights
Born on August 17, 1969 in the village of Awad in the rural locality of Kassala, eastern Sudan. He fulfilled his educatonal and academic stages in the primary school in Kassala and secondary in Port Sudan, at Sudan University of Science and Technology - Faculty of Commercial Studies. He worked in a number of locations and positions: Director of Productive Families Projects in the Social Development Sector in Kassala State, Director of Barakat Development Organization, Director of the Commission for Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration in the eastern sector, then Director of the National Commission for Human Rights in eastern Sudan, and finally acting Secretary-General of the National Commission for Human Rights in Sudan. He possess experience in poverty alleviation programs for fragile societies, reconstruction of war-affected areas, disarmament demobilization and reintegration, peace and development projects, art of dialogue and resolving tribal and regional conflicts, international and national mechanisms for the protection of human rights, monitoring and documenting human rights violations, promotion and protection of human rights, loves reading, watching movies and historical series, loves cooking and hiking. Among my achievements is integrating 1,717 demobilized from the Eastern Front into governmental civil jobs, and facilitating the ownership of 3,321 demobilized of small projects for income, reintegrating them into their communities, reuniting 224 child soldiers with their families and reintegrating them, signing armistice and reconciliation agreements between eastern Sudan Bani Amer and Habbab tribes from one side, and the Nuba tribes from the other. In addition to the above, I led dialogue sessions with various groups of different beliefs and cultures from eastern Sudan and the Blue Nile region for peaceful coexistence and acceptance of the other, and to counter hate speech.