KAICIID Board Members Extend Condolences to Victims of Terrorist Attack in Brussels and Istanbul

The KAICIID Board of Directors, consisting of representatives of five religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism - unanimously condemns the deliberate attacks in Brussels, Belgium and Istanbul, Turkey.
“We extend our deepest condolences and sympathy to the families and communities of the victims of these attacks.
The attackers, and those who celebrate these attacks, are acting from a motive to spread hatred, fear and suffering through the targeting of innocent civilians.
As senior representatives from diverse religions united by a common vision of peace and dialogue, we denounce in one voice all attempts to use religion to justify violence of any kind.
The ultimate target of all terrorist attacks is the social cohesion in our societies, our trust in each other, and our faith in our values.
If we give in to fear, suspicion and hatred of our neighbors, we play in to the hands of these attackers. It is only by standing together as one, by demonstrating that our values of non-violence and peace are stronger than violence, and by using dialogue, not force, to resolve our differences, that we can prevail.
We call for all people of goodwill to stand together in dialogue against any attempt to divide us.”
The KAICIID Board of Directors issued today the following statement following the attack at Finsbury…