The KAICIID Board of Directors issued today the following statement following the attack at Finsbury Park in London, United Kingdom on 19 June 2017:
“Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the appalling and deliberate attack on worshippers at Finsbury Park. We express our deepest condolences to the victims, their families and friends of this attack.
An attack on believers of one religion is an attack on all religions. These brutal attacks are designed to divide us: to drive a wedge between neighbours, friends and citizens, and to prevent people of diverse national origins, religions and ethnicities from living peacefully side by side.
We cannot allow them to succeed. We must continue to stand united against hate and fear.
We call upon all peoples of good will to stand up for the rights of their sisters and brothers to practice and live their religions and beliefs in peace. We call on all people of faith to respect and cherish those different from themselves: teachings that are enshrined in every religion in the world.”

The KAICIID Board of Directors, consisting of representatives of five religions - Buddhism,…

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KAICIID, the intergovernmental, interreligious dialogue organization, rejects violence in all its…