KAICIID Board Member Swami Agnivesh hosted an Eid celebration at Agnilok Ashram on 20th July, 2016 in the beautiful green surroundings of the Aravali Hills in India. Eminent Islamic scholars, Arya Samaj leaders and peacemakers came together to share their views.
Discussions ranged from expressions of friendship for the people of neighbouring Pakistan, and the similarities between messages from the Bhagavad Gita and Quran, and were accompanied by a vegetarian feast and sewai (special Eid noodles cooked in sweet milk).
Earlier Swami Agnivesh joined Eid Milan hosted by Maulana Arshad Madni (Member of the KAICIID Advisory Forum) in Delhi. Leaders of different faiths and political parties shared views about religious harmony and the need to fight communal hatred and bigotry. Swami Agnivesh also participated in a similar Eid- Milan hosted by Maulana Mehmood Madni and leaders of the Darul Uloom Deoband , the biggest Islamic seminary in India.
Swami Agnivesh, a tireless activist on behalf of the poor and marginalised and a former Board Member of the International…