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16 May 2015

At a meeting in the Lebanese capital, KAICIID brought together Islamic and Christian religious leaders from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon in addition to representatives from the Yazidi community in Iraq. The participants were representing the religious institutions and communities who met in Vienna, Austria at the international conference, “United Against Violence in the Name of Religion: Supporting Religious and Cultural Diversity in Iraq and Syria” in November 2014.


11 May 2015

Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, visited the International Dialogue Centre based in Vienna (KAICIID) on 11 May 2015, to express his support for KAICIID’s mandate and its work. He was welcomed by KAICIID Secretary General, Faisal Bin Muaammar. 

Foreign Minister Garcia-Margallo, who frequently underscores interreligious dialogue’s relevance as a tool to prevent radicalization and terrorism, said: “One of the main challenges of today’s globalization process is the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and religions. If we want to avoid conflict and achieve sustainable peace, the international community should urgently address this challenge by building dialogue between people.”