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16 Oct 2015

Organized by Rev. Mike Waltner. Trainer: John Samuel

Other Opportunities to Attend this Training:

Friday, October 16th 1:30-3:00pm, 3:30-5:00pm, room 254C

Saturday, October 17th 8:30-10:00am, 10:30am-12:00pm, 3:30-3:00pm, room 254C

Sunday, October 18th 8:30-10:00am, 10:30am-12:00pm, 1:30-3:30pm, room 254C

Social media platforms give everyone a voice. Unfortunately, voices of division and hate o often dominate the space. Peacebuilding activities of religious communities and dialogue practitioners are “drowned out” by images of conflict and violence associated with people acting in the name of religion.

Voices of dialogue can better utilize social media platforms to correct stereotypes, counteract hate speech and quell incitement with messages of peace and reconciliation. KAICIID’s Speak Up! training gives interreligious dialogue practitioners the tools to tell their stories, to create their own channels of information and to engage the mainstream press.

17 Oct 2015

Moderator: Prof. Mohammed Abu-Nimer

What are the current models of interreligious peacebuilding organizations and practitioners? How do interreligious peace workers address the tension between policy makers and civil society regarding the role of religious actors? What are the challenges facing the field of interreligious peacebuilding? What are the main lessons that can be extracted from current efforts in the field? This panel aims to explore these questions, sharing concrete case studies of effective interreligious peacebuilding efforts.

18 Oct 2015

This course will enhance practitioners’ capacity to use interreligious dialogue (IRD)for conflict resolution, increase awareness of conflictual and cooperative religious historical contexts and their impact on contemporary dynamics worldwide, and enhance knowledge of interreligious dialogue and conflict resolution on both conceptual and practical levels. The course will benefit those  who hope to reflect on dialogical approaches and techniques. It isintended to serve the needs of practitioners who would like to join a network of students, trainees, and activists of IRD and conflict resolution, as well as scholars and teachers who would like to include IRD and conflict resolution in their curricula and research.

17 Oct 2015

Prof. Mohammed Abu-Nimer

SESSION 1: Saturday, October 17th at 10:30-12PM, room 254B

This course will enhance practitioners’ capacity to use interreligious dialogue (IRD)for conflict resolution, increase awareness of conflictual and cooperative religious historical contexts and their impact on contemporary dynamics worldwide, and enhance knowledge of interreligious dialogue and conflict resolution on both conceptual and practical levels. The course will benefit those  who hope to reflect on dialogical approaches and techniques. It isintended to serve the needs of practitioners who would like to join a network of students, trainees, and activists of IRD and conflict resolution, as well as scholars and teachers who would like to include IRD and conflict resolution in their curricula and research.