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19 Oct 2015

The KAICIID Talking Dialogue Project examines the major interreligious and intercultural encounters in modern history – from the 1893 Parliament of the World’s Religions to the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders in 2000. By using different and new source materials, the project looks at discussions that were not recorded in official chronicles. The resulting analyses add new perspectives to our present-day understanding, highlighting best practices and identifying repeated mistakes. The research was carried out by a group of young scholars from around the world, brought together by KAICIID in 2014.

18 Oct 2015

Prof. Patrice Brodeur

The Peace Mapping Project is one of the central activities of the Vienna-based International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID). This session will introduce you to the various tools inside the KAICIID Peace Map website, to better understand interreligious dialogue and its potential for networking among dialogue practitioners and peace activists, among other users. In addition, it will present some findings of the Peace Mapping Programme, e.g. looking at the sheer number of organizations that are presently doing interreligious dialogue on an international scale, their commitment to peacebuilding and conflict resolution, as well as their relations to religious traditions.

15 Oct 2015

To enhance the role of youth in IRD, develop mutual respect and openness among young adults, while modelling new ways to move beyond understanding and towards working collectively in harmony, KAICIID will introduce several of its youth-oriented programmes and provide space for sharing and networking among young people. A delegation from its International Fellows Programme (KIFP) will share their experiences. Members of the International Scouts Movement will have the space to meet and learn about the Dialogue Patrol Team, where KAICIID and the Scouts movement are working hand in hand to incorporate dialogue as part of the Scout life learning experience. KAICIID is developing a game toolkit that emphasizes dialogue and enhances facilitation skills. At the Dialogue Game Workshop, young adults will actually become the game designers. Embrace this opportunity to discuss, reflect and practise dialogue with us and with other young adults.

Other Events in this Series:

KAICIID and Youth: Thursday, October 15th at 5-7PM, room 254B    

International Fellows Programme: Saturday October 17th 12-2 PM, room 254B

IRD Games: Saturday October 17th 5-7 PM, room 254B

Dialogue for Scouts (Dialogue Badge): Sunday October 18th 5-7 PM, room 254B