Waseem Al Sakhleh

País: Syria
Afiliación religiosa: Islam
Public affairs activist and blogger, consultant and researcher
Waseem Al Sakhleh is an activist and blogger in public affairs. He was born in Damascus 1993 and has a degree in political science and another degree in media from Damascus University, as well as a master's degree in Islamic-Christian relations from Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ).
Graduated from multiple programs and academies:
· Media and Digital Literacy Academy, Lebanese American University (LAU).
· Leaders for Interreligious Understanding Program (LIU), ADYAN – FDCD - DANMISSION.
· Arab Social Activism Program (ASAP), American University of Beirut (AUB).
· Syrian Young Leaders Program (SYLP), Fourth generation (FES).
· Diploma in Palestinian Studies, Academy of Refugee Studies.
Founder and coordinator of the Piano Project (Christian - Islamic forums in Syria), and a founding member and board member of several civil and community entities in Syria, including Sayiar Foundation, Syrian Family Planning Association (SFPA), and Masahat Foundation for Community Development. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Youth Peer Network (Y-PEER) in Syria.
Currently a freelance journalist, former editor-in-chief, founder of the Public Affairs Blog - Syria. Associate member of the Civil Society Support Room (CSSR) of the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Syria.
He works as a research assistant with multiple agencies, trainer, and content creator in the fields of participation, citizenship, community entrepreneurship, and gender. Consultant on issues of dialogue and youth participation with several development organizations in Syria and Lebanon.
Holder of several awards, including the Best Young Media Award in Syria in 2010, the Debating Award for University Students in 2011, and Ten Outstanding Young Person in Syria – JCI / humanitarian and volunteer leadership for the year 2018.