Tegulwa Nageeba Hassan
País: Kampala Uganda
Año: 2015
Idiomas: English, Swahili, Luganda, Lusoga
Organizaciones: Inter Religious Council of Uganda - National Coordinating Committee for the Women of Faith Network in Uganda - Restoring and Empowering Communities
Especialidad: Education, Youth, Gender
Area de enfoque: Academic
Afiliación religiosa: Islam
Tegulwa Nageeba Hassan’s stepping stone toward interreligious and cultural experience was her experience teaching in an Aga Khan, Pakistan primary school for eight years. From there, she continued working towards the promotion of common humanity and a shared experience of human dignity. Starting in 2007, she was involved in a number of community-based projects. It was during this time that she was able work with different faith-based groups. She has participated in interreligious dialogues, exchange visits, conferences and workshops organized by a variety of countries and organizations, including UMSC, GNRC, IRCU and REC in Uganda, Somaliland & Thailand. Her passion for peace building and women’s involvement in peace making, has led to successful global gender initiatives, including the incorporation of women’s desks in the constitutions of both UMSC and IRCU. Representing religious leaders at the 2nd Ministerial Meeting on the Enhancement of Security Cooperation and the Operationalization of the African Peace and Security Architecture, she pushed for the creation of the EAC Interreligious Council. She works with school children and teachers on anti- bullying, cultural diversity and child well-fare curriculum, as well as community interfaith initiatives with people from different tribes, cultures and faith backgrounds. Her motto is “Before we belong to any tribe, race, color, religion, class or political affiliation, we are first human beings – everyone is special and unique.