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Stella Francis

País: Nigeria

Año: 2017

Afiliación religiosa: Christianity

Co-Chair, Abuja Interfaith Youth Network

Stella Francis has a B.S.C in economics and is the Co-Chair of the Abuja Interfaith Youth Network in Abuja Nigeria where she previously served as an administrative officer. She also volunteers with Human Resource Working Partners (NGO) partnering with WINConference. She has also been a leader within the Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria since 2011.

Stella has witnessed numerous conflicts where religion has been wrongly used to incite conflicts and crises against groups and individuals around the world. Because of the sad use of religion that she has witnessed, Stella is highly motivated and is inspired to be involved in activities of interreligious dialogue so that she will help in shaping human minds in the right direction.

Stella has worked to emphasise the fact that religion preaches the message of peace, reconciliation, love and unity across different religions and is supposed to empower the human person so that they will be gainfully employed and actualise their destinies as decreed by God and promote peaceful co-existence. She has been working since 2011 in the Abuja Interfaith Youth Network and has helped to organize a national conference that brought over 200 young Christians and Muslims from all over Nigeria to create awareness about the importance of harmonious living in Nigeria and across the world. This conference also involved some medical programmes that helped internally displaced persons of Nigeria. Finally, she has organized many other programmes that have had tremendous impacts on people in both rural and urban areas. One of her programmes was the United Nations’ International Youth Day celebrated at the National Universities Commission, Maitama in Abuja, in 2015 in collaboration with the Catholic Youth Organization Maitama.

Stella is passionate about humanitarian service, dialogue with people of other religions and teamwork for the good of the human person.