Sameh Nassiem Gayed

País: Egypt
Afiliación religiosa: Christianity
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ibrahimia Media Center
Sameh Nassiem Gayed, an Egyptian civil society activist, working as a development and training consultant, along with his role in spreading the culture of peace and promoting societal peace. He is the holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Alexandria University, followed by studies of management from European and American universities, in addition to his license as a trainer. The aforementioned are the scientific backgrounds that he invested in, in addition to long experience in field work since 2006 to serve the community for a better tomorrow. Sameh Nassiem has led many efforts and projects that worked on promoting societal peace between the various components of society, at the heart of which are the religious components. Among these initiatives are the “Egyptopia” camps for children, the "Ahel Al-Hatta" initiative for early warning and response to violence, the "Enough" project to counter hate speech, and the "Peace Landmarks" project in Alexandria to promote respect for heritage religious sites and combat hate speech. On the other hand, Nassiem has worked to promote human rights in the areas of non-formal learning, health rights, gender rights, women and children rights. Also he is considered one of the religious leaders in his Coptic Catholic community working to build bridges between the components of society and the world.