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Rev. Dr. Peter Ravikumar

País: Sri Lanka

Año: 2021

In 1993 Rev. Dr. Peter Ravikumar was certified by the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Selly Oak and by Bradford University, UK, to organise programmes related to conflict resolution and peace processes as one of the team members involved in the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord.

At the Ecumenical Christian Centre, he organised national level courses related to peace and conflict resolution. Being an ordained minister in the Lutheran Church, he served as Director of the Youth Department. As a professor, he taught students, presented papers and guided research scholars in the area of peace, ecumenism and conflict management. He has also presented papers and organised devotions in the Parliament of World Religions from 2009 onwards.

At present he is bringing people of different faiths together to discuss; to plan actions in slums and rural areas; and to motivate the younger generation to strive together for a brighter future. The pandemic situation gives Rev. Dr. Ravikumar the opportunity to teach and avoid social stigmatization of particular faith community.

His motto is: “We are people in God's image, let us learn to love and help each other with selfless motives. Peace and harmony are possible when one sees others as their own”.