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Naby Issa Traore

País: Mali

Afiliación religiosa: Islam

If you want, you can!

National Coordianator of the Interreligious Council for Peace

Naby Issa Traore is a teacher of English at fundamental and grammar school in Bamako since 2005. From 2016 up to now he has been appointed as headmaster of fundamental school 2 in Bamako. 

Issa is interested in reading and travelling. Issa Traore has been interested in interreligious dialogue since he was a student as he studied with people of various faiths. He used to serve as a president of the youth within the Mosque in his area since 2002 at the local level. Issa has also been elected as an administrative secretary of Spiritual Religious Leaders Association in Mali. Since 2015 he holds a post of a Vice-Secretary General of the Muslim Youth Association, and he is currently a national Coordianator of the Interreligious Council for Peace in Mali.