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Ms. Pann Ei Soe

País: Myanmar (Burma)

Afiliación religiosa: Buddhism

Everything Happens for Good

Trainer at Saya Foundation and MAIDS Non-Degree Student at Chulalongkorn University in Myanmar

Pann has been working as a trainer for four years, and her responsibilities are to develop training manuals and creating trainer handbook and participants' workbooks. She also developed modules for faith-based school teachers to construct the capacity of women and promote knowledge to spread diversity and inclusion in the community. As a trainer, Pann delivered training to community teachers, religious teachers and parents to promote the sustainable education development and gender inclusivity through education. 

Ms. Pann Ei Soe also was a SEA-AIR Intra and Interfaith fellow of 2019-2020 and she has practiced the intra and interreligious dialogue at her Myanmar Buddhist Woman Programme and Faith-Based School Teacher Fellowship Programme in Saya Foundation. Currently she is studying International Development Studies in MAIDS (Non-Degree Master Program) at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. 

Pann is passionate about Gender Equality and Interreligious and Intercultural dialogues to promote peaceful community in her country.