Houda Bennani Lahkim

País: Morocco
Afiliación religiosa: Islam
Religion educator and PhD Researcher at the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion at the College of Fundamentals of Religion
Houda lahkim Bennani is a PhD researcher on religious dialogue in contemporary oriental studies in the field of doctrinal and intellectual sciences at Abdelmalek Saadi University in Tetouan, northern Morocco, Al-Malik Al-Saadi in 2005. Houda also participated in the training course "History of Religion in the West" organized by the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion and the "SORAC" Center for the Study of Religions Across Civilizations of Georgetown University in the United States of America. She also received a certificate from the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue on “The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Promoting Peace, Reconciliation and Social Cohesion.” Houda obtained several other training certificates in religious dialogue and comparison of religions. Houda also obtained a Certificate of Experience in Effective Teaching Methods from the Queen Rania Academy for Teacher Training and a Certificate of Experience in Child Mental Health from the same academy.
Houda published many academic articles on interfaith dialogue in many peer-reviewed journals. She also participated in many national and international symposiums on topics of interest to religious affairs, such as: “Models of Contemporary Religiosity and Modernity,” “History of Islamic-Jewish Religious Dialogue in Morocco,” “Religious Solidarity During the Pandemic at the Level of Individuals and Institutions,” and “The Role of the Story.” Confirming the values of tolerance, dialogue, and rejecting hatred" and "The Nine Commandments, a comparative study between religions" and others.
Houda has worked for years with the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, especially with children and adolescents by presenting a series of workshops that develop children's capacities in the field of human rights in general and children's rights in particular, in addition to her work as a social assistant for years with the Spanish organization "Save the Children" in partnership with Public educational institutions affiliated to the Moroccan Ministry of Education, where they provided social assistance, pleading and psychological support to children who are victims of all forms of violence. And also providing several awareness-raising and capacity-development workshops over the years for children who are victims of discrimination and racism in order to combat societal exclusion.
Houda is currently working in addition to the above as a teacher of religious education, but for her, the dialogue between cultures and religions remains her constant passion, because she always believes that "this earth and this sky accommodate everyone."