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Degboe Akou Akofa

País: Togo

Afiliación religiosa: Christianity

Youth (men and women) and religious leaders hold the key to real peace

Lawyer, Centre de Documentation et de Formation sur les Droits de l'Homme (CDFDH), Togo.

Degboe akou Akofa is a lawyer, Human Rights Officer and committed to the prevention of violent extremism and the promotion of interreligious dialogue. She holds a bachelor’s degree in public law and is currently doing a master's degree in culture, peace and development. Degboe is an international volunteer, Human Rights Officer at the country office of the United Nations High Commission in Chad.

Since 2015, she has been committed to defending human rights in Togo, promoting gender equality and fighting against gender-based violence. She works with different target groups, namely human rights defenders, journalists, young people, religious leaders and women through training, awareness-raising, human rights monitoring, legal assistance and advocacy to the protection of their rights.

Convinced of the role of young people and religious leaders in the consolidation of peace and respect for human rights through her training with Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove), she initiated training actions within her organization, Centre de Documentation et de Formation sur les Droits de l'Homme (CDFDH) and awareness raising for young people. She also contributed to the training and sensitization of nearly 1,000 religious leaders on human rights and their role in the prevention of violent extremism. She initiated two interreligious dialogue initiatives bringing together Christians, Muslims and traditionalists.