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Ashin Dr. Vicittasara

País: Myanmar (Burma)

Año: 2018

Afiliación religiosa: Buddhism

Educator, Public speaker, writer and young prominent religious leader

Dr. Ashin Vicittasara was born at North Chinmyitkyin,a small village in the Kanbalu  Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar. He received his basic and higher monastic education in various Buddhist institutions and went on to study at the  Mandalay Sasana University , Yangon ITBMU and Varanasi SSU India. He was a member of the faculty of Central University of Tibetan Studies (founded by HH Dalai Lama) from 2010 to 2012. In 2012, he returned home to lead Buddhist Educational Activities and join inter-religious peace processes. 

He is now the founder and principal of Dhamma Ganga Buddhist Pali College, Yangon, Myanmar, a well-known author of 10 books and several publications, and the host of Buddhist Lecture programs on two state TV stations MRTV and MWD. These programs are immensely influential as sources of guidance for Buddhist communities at home and abroad, and to provide positive role models for youth and the younger generation of religious leaders. In addition to his work as professor and scholar, he participates in many regional, national and international conferences, public talks, lectures and training on Buddhist ethics, peacebuilding , dialogue, conflict resolution and transformation, healing for trauma, as well as Buddhist practices for social cohesion and harmony. He has travelled around the world to over 30 countries including the United States, U.K, EU, and Japan to give Dhamma talks and lead meditation retreats among Buddhist and non-Buddhist societies.