Abdelkhalek Bedri

País: Morocco
Afiliación religiosa: Islam
Researcher at the Masarat Center for Studies of the Muhammadiyah Association of Scholars
Abdelkhalek Bedri is the holder of a master's Degree in Philosophy of Communication in Contemporary Western Thought, Muslim, 36, and a researcher at the Muhammadiyah Association of Scholars Certified person in the field of countering violent extremism within educational institutions and civil society.
Graduate of the peer education programme inside prison institutions, facilitator in the field of life skills of young people in vulnerable groups in many associations, graduate of the US International Visitor Leadership Program on violent extremism in the Middle East and Africa, a journalist and writer specialized in Islamic thought and extremist groups, interested in analyzing extremist digital discourse.
Supervisor of youth forums in the field of arts and its role in countering hate speech.
Assistant in producing educational portfolios and pedagogical guides relative to life skills and peer education.
Member of the Coexistence Association for Dialogue between Religions, and facilitator of many forums in religious dialogue.