Plateforme des Confessions Religieuses de Centrafrique (PCRC)

In 2013, as violence intensified in the Central African Republic (CAR), key national leaders of the Catholic, Evangelical, and Muslim communities joined forces to de-escalate the crisis through the Platform of Religious Confessions of CAR, or “Plateforme des Confessions Religieuses de Centrafrique” (PCRC). Over the past few years, the PCRC has successfully defused tensions at the local level by deploying high-level religious leaders on the ground and conducting mediation initiatives between armed groups. KAICIID has supported the platform since 2017, helping to build and strengthen branches (or “antennae offices”) across the country.
Since its founding, the PCRC has run diverse initiatives to prevent violence. These include training religious and other community leaders to prevent hate speech and rumour-mongering, which can provoke unrest and incite clashes; informing political candidates and activists on the importance of using non-divisive language; hosting conflict-prevention sessions for youth leaders; and meeting with ruling politicians to advocate conciliatory messaging. Elsewhere it has urged militia leaders to renounce violence and encouraged Christian communities to allow displaced Muslims to return.
In 2021, as widespread violence resumed in the country, PCRC leaders deployed interreligious mediation teams to the front lines and opened dialogues between armed groups, the local population, UN peacekeepers, government representatives and civil society groups in an effort to sustain the country’s current peace agreement.