Network for Religious Christian and Muslim Faculties and Institutes in the Arab World

In November 2015, the Centre began pursuing a core recommendation of the United Against Violence in the Name of Religion initiative: to establish a network for religious Muslim and Christian faculties and institutes in the Arab world, in order to initiate dialogue between Muslim and Christian scholars. A network of this kind is an important first step to imbed the culture of dialogue as a core value in religious education.
This project aims to create a large community of religious leaders, teachers and students from various theology and Sharia faculties and institutes in the Arab region, using IRD tools in their programmes in order to be active peacemakers in their respective communities. The Network supports the development of education tools that foster religious and cultural diversity and promote peace, coexistence and reconciliation.
Under the umbrella of the International Dialogue Centre and in cooperation with Diyar consortium, Palestine, The Network of Muslim and Christian faculties and institutes was launched in May, 2017 in Amman, Jordan. Participants included 25 key figures from the region, from deans to senior lecturers at various Muslim and Christian faculties and institutes in the Arab region.
The participants recognised the responsibility they bear in their institutions, and the core role they play in the educational material they provide to their fellows. They valued their inclusion to reflect on their institutes’ crucial role in promoting a deeper understanding and collaboration among people of diverse religious, cultural and ideological convictions, taking into account their high respect for each other’s religion and belief. Participants also developed a strategic, three-year working plan to initiate a joint course, exchange expertise, and organize joint activities reflecting the core values of social cohesion, peaceful coexistence, diversity and respecting the Other.