Our global conferences and fora convene, among other relevant stakeholders from a variety of fields, religious leaders, policymakers and representatives of civil society organizations to address global challenges and threats to peaceful, cohesive communities. From our annual European Policy Dialogue Forum to the G20 Interfaith Forum, we have gathered thousands of participants to discuss issues such as combatting hate speech, using dialogue to support global development, and tackling violent extremism and the manipulation of religion to justify violence.

European Policy Dialogue Forum 2021
19-20 October 2021
The 3rd European Policy Dialogue Forum on Refugees and Migrants (EPDF) was hosted by the KAICIID-supported “Network for Dialogue” in Lisbon, Portugal. It built on the two previous editions of the forum, which took place in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The 2021 conference in Lisbon focused on ways in which religious organizations, policymakers and recent arrivals to Europe can...

G20 Interfaith Forum 2020 – “Bringing Faith and Policy Together”
13-16 October 2020
The G20 Interfaith Forum is an annual platform which brings together religious leaders, policymakers, and diverse faith actors to collaborate on global agendas, within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), the G20 Interfaith Association and Saudi Arabia’s National Committee...

Together for Diversity - Fostering interreligious dialogue to prevent and mitigate conflicts in South and South-East Asia
18-19 December 2019
Over 65 Buddhist and Muslim religious leaders from five South/South-East Asian countries gathered in Jakarta for a workshop addressing hate speech, protection of holy sites, and inclusive education in the region.

Dialogue 4 SDGs
11-12 December 2019
120 KAICIID Fellows from around the world discussed in Vienna, Austria the role of interreligious dialogue in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The sustainable development goals address challenges such as education, gender equality, sustainable communities, peace and justice. The conference was centred on five panels of experts, composed of 33 Fellows alumni...

The Power of Words - The Role of Religion, Media, and Policy in Countering Hate Speech”
30-31 October 2019
KAICIID brought together more than 190 faith leaders, policymakers, state actors, civil society representatives, journalists, educators and dialogue practitioners in Vienna, Austria to discuss ways of preventing and countering the growing global phenomenon of hate speech. The conference saw the participation of leading representatives of Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and...

HLM 2018: Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Common Citizenship
26 February 2018
Over this two-day conference, prominent religious leaders, policymakers and experts participated in a series of discussions on topics such as the role of religious leaders and policymakers in promoting common citizenship; global partnerships for dialogue and promoting social cohesion; interreligious education and common citizenship values; and social media as a space for dialogue...