Cooperation with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers was established in January 2013 by the initiative of United Nations Mediation Support Unit (MSU) to encourage entities that work with these peacemakers to increase their cooperation, develop together better mechanisms for support and provide advice for United Nations entities when suitable.
The main structure of the Network is the Advisory Group, consisting of key organizations implementing programmes that support religious and traditional peacemakers. The Advisory Group meets annually and takes increasing ownership of steering the Network and ensuring that its functions are helpful for their programmes and joint activities.
The Network is composed of diverse and active individuals and organizations—from grassroots religious and traditional peacemaking organizations to international NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and academic institutions. They work together to strengthen and support the positive role of religious and traditional peacemakers in peacebuilding processes, from the local to the international level. KAICIID joins this Network as an important partner and is working with it on a number of important initiatives.
On 30 August 2015, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), based in Vienna, became the newest member of the Core Group of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, joining Religions for Peace, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Finn Church Aid (FCA). The Network Core group regularly consults with the UN Mediation Support Unit, in the UN Department of Political Affairs and the UN Alliance of Civilizations.