From the Nile to the Euphrates - Christian Academic Call of Creed and Citizenship in the Arab World

Christian Academics Forum for Citizenship in the Arab World (CAFCAW) presents declaration in Beirut with the Diyar Consortium.
CAFCAW invites Muslim academics to respond to their declaration to further interreligious dialogue in the Arab world.
In Beirut, 40 Arab Christian academics met in conference on 5 and 6 December 2014 to discuss a declaration presented by the Christian Academic Forum for Citizenship in the Arab World (CAFCAW), entitled “From the Nile to the Euphrates: The Call of Creed and Citizenship.” It is CAFCAW’s hope that this declaration will foster dialogue and engagement among civil society and policy makers.
CAFCAW invited Muslim academics to respond to the range of social issues addressed in the declaration that will further social cohesion and stability. The conference was hosted by the Diyar Consortium, a Lutheran-based, ecumenically oriented umbrella of education and civic institutions and programs.
The declaration discusses the role of social cohesion, address the vision of a shared future and to foster interreligious dialogue and peaceful coexistence. After its presentation at a press conference and the declaration received wide Arab media coverage, which coincided with CAFCAW’s website launch. Translations of this declaration will be published by CAFCAW in due course.
In a ten-point format, the declaration addressed the relationship between religion and the state, the absence of the rule of law, security of all citizens, the status of women in the Middle East, education and equal opportunity employment, youth and the problems they face in the Arab world, human dignity and increasing the quality of life, as well as addressing the lack of genuine spirituality and humane civility in a time of intolerance.
The declaration urges the development of religious discourse, and affirms the gift of unity in diversity, as well as the privilege of shared citizenship. This declaration is a step towards a unified vision shared by Muslims and Christians in the Arab world.
At the conference, KAICIID participated in this event to support this collaboration and follow-up on new developments in interreligious dialogue. KAICIID seeks to support deeper collaboration between Christians and Muslims in the Arab world.
The conference included participants from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. A member of KAICIID’s Board of Directors, Dr. Mohammad Sammak, participated in the conference deliberations.
among others, the following names have participated Rev. Dr. Mitiri Raheb, Director, Diyar Consortium; Dr. Ali Khashan, Global Centre of Justice and Humanity; Dr. Mohammed al Sammak and Rev. Dr. Riyad Jarjour, Arab Group for Muslim-Christian Dialogue; Mr. Habib Efram, President, Assyrian Orthodox Organization, Dr. Nicolas Georges Abou Mrad, Professor for Orthodox Theology; Rev. Dr. Atef Gendy, President of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo; Mrs. Rosangela Jarjour, General Secretary of the Beirut-based Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches; Rev. Dr. Victor, Makari Regional Consultant, "Religion & State-Middle East" Program Diyar Consortium; Mr. Hares Shehab, Representative, Maronite Party in Lebanon and Secretary General, Christian-Muslim National Committee for Dialogue; Father Dr. Michel Jalakh, the General Secretary, Middle East Council of Churches (MECC); Father Dr. Fadi Daou, Chairman of Adyan; Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Founder, Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies in Cairo; Dr. Mary Mikhael, former President Near East School of Theology in Beirut, Lebanon; Mr. Wajih Qansu, author and researcher; Rev Dr. Ekram Lamee, head of the media committee of the Evangelical Church in Egypt; Dr. Nabil Abdel Fattah, Deputy Director Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies; Mr. Waseem Haddad, Programme Officer in the Adviser’s Unit (KAICIID).
About Christian Academic Forum for Citizenship in the Arab World (CAFCAW)
CAFCAW is a forum that aims to provide a more public voice for Christians and interreligious dialogue in the Arab world. The association was established at its inaugural meeting in February 2014 in Istanbul under the Diyar Consortium, a Lutheran-based, ecumenically-oriented organization serving the whole Palestinian community, with emphasis on children, youth, and women. CAFCAW convened its second meeting in Istanbul in June 2014. CAFCAW’s third conference held on 5 and 6 December 2014 in Beirut served to create broad support among Christian and Muslim academics, stakeholders in interreligious dialogue, civil society and policy makers.