We are thrilled that our partner in supporting social cohesion in the Arab region, Adyan Foundation in Lebanon, is the recipient of the prestigious Niwano Peace Prize granted for the 35th time by the Niwano Peace Foundation. The Adyan Foundation received the Peace Prize in recognition of its “continued service to global peace-building, notably its development of a program for children and educators offering guidance to peace and reconciliation for those affected by the Syrian war”.
In addition to an award certificate, the Adyan Foundation will receive a medal and a cash prize of 20 million Yen.
The Niwano Peace Prize Committee praised the Adyan Foundation as a “visible and committed actor for peace" in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East region, focusing on both high-level and grassroots engagement, demonstrating the inclusive and interfaith values/principles the Niwano Award seeks to recognize."
About Adyan Foundation
Adyan Foundation is an NGO in Lebanon, and works locally, regionally and internationally for pluralism, inclusive citizenship, community resilience, and spiritual solidarity, through home grown solutions in education, media, policy, and intercultural and interreligious relations.
About the Niwano Peace Prize and Rissho Kosei-kai
The Niwano Peace Prize honors and encourages individuals and organizations whose contribution significantly advances inter-religious cooperation. The Peace Prize was proposed by Nikkyo Niwano, founder and first president of the lay Buddhist organization, Rissho Kosei-kai, with the goal of furthering the cause of world peace by encouraging more people to devote themselves to working for world peace and thus enhance inter-religious understanding and cooperation.
Rissho Kosei-kai is a worldwide Buddhist organization founded in Japan in 1938.
Reverend Kosho Niwano, the President-Designate of Rissho Kosei-kai, and the granddaughter of founder Nikkyo Niwano and first daughter of President Nichiko Niwano, is a member of KAICIID’s Board of Directors.