An Innovative Idea for “Dialogue Week” Across the Arab Region Emerges from a KAICIID Training
An Innovative Idea for “Dialogue Week” Across the Arab Region Emerges from a KAICIID Training
KAICIID, in collaboration with Al-Hayat Centre (Rased) in Amman, Jordan, is conducting a training on “Social Media as a Space for Dialogue”. 45 participants from 13 Arab countries and diverse religious backgrounds participated in the training, which included a brainstorming session on how to highlight the importance of interreligious dialogue and its significance in supporting a sustainable peace in the Arab region. One of the ideas proposed by the participants was an Annual Dialogue “Week”: a full week of events dedicated to interreligious dialogue. The first Dialogue Week will be held in 2019, and will be organized with the support of the 23 Christian and Muslim religious leaders who constitute the KAICIID supported Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation in the Arab Region. The participants announced the Dialogue Week at a press conference, where they also read out the declaration below:
- “We believe that dialogue enhances social cohesion and cooperation within a community.
- Dialogue week supports sustainable development in our Arab region.
- We as youth who belong to countries that suffered the consequences of extremism and terrorism feel the importance of building a culture of dialogue and enhancing values of coexistence, as it will enhance social and political stability in our nations.
- Dialogue in general and dialogue week in particular present an opportunity to us as youth to get to know different cultures and to build bridges of cooperation and hope.
- Dialogue is the shortest way to get to know the other, and it is also the most honest and sustainable way.
- We as youth consider the absence of dialogue as one of the reasons for conflict within a community, and that is the reason that can push youth to misconduct.
- Dialogue among Arab youth is the future of our nations and that is why we should work together to enhance it, strengthen it, and implement it.
- Dialogue is the gate to a more forgiving and peaceful community, free of violence.
- Dialogue is the candle that lights the darkness of ignorance and combats the virus of extremism and builds awareness within generations.
- Dialogue makes us more accepting and respectful of ourselves and others; Dialogue Week is an idea that should be supported and implemented internationally.
- As people of good will in our communities we must implement dialogue to make our communities more aware and accepting of the other.
- Dialogue trumps ignorance, and dialogue is an art form of which we are responsible for nurturing.
- Love, goodness, peace, forgiveness, openness, security, understanding... the way to those things is dialogue.
- Do not stereotype people, but rather you should engage in dialogue with them. The Dialogue Week is a space for promoting coexistence.”

Amman, Jordan and Cairo, Egypt, 1 May 2018: The “Interreligious Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation in the…