The KAICIID multireligious Board of Directors issued today the following statement following the truck attack that killed eight people and wounded 12 other people in New York City, United States of America, on 31 October 2017:
“The truck attack that took place in Manhattan followed once again the sinister and cruel plan to kill and main innocent people, to fuel fear, and to abuse religious teachings to justify an inexcusable and unacceptable crime. Together, we express our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones, and we pray for the full recovery of the survivors. We also commend the efforts of all those in New York City and around the world who refuse to allow any act, no matter how evil, to divide us. We call upon all people of goodwill to reject both violence in the name of religion, as well as this attempt to drive us apart. In response to ignorance and violence, we express our common humanity by acting in concert with our shared values of empathy, charity, and respect for others as sisters and brothers, born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
About the KAICIID Board of Directors
The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) is an intergovernmental organization mandated to promote dialogue among different religious and cultural groups to promote justice, peace and reconciliation and to counteract the abuse of religion to justify violence. The Centre is governed by a multi-religious Board of Directors, consisting of representatives of five religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
The Board Members are: Dr. Hamad Al-Majed, Dr. Kezevino Aram, His Excellency Bishop Miguel Ayuso, His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel, Reverend Kosho Niwano, Reverend Mark Poulson, Chief Rabbi David Rosen and Dr. Mohammad Sammak.