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Boeheimkirchen MIddle Schoolers Visit
Estudiantes de escuela secundaria austríaca aprenden sobre el diálogo y proyectos del KAICIID
KAICIID Board of Directors Denounce Orlando Terrorist Attack
Junta Directiva del KAICIID condena el ataque terrorista de Orlando
“An Action Plan for Africa” zur Rolle religiöser Anführer bei der Verhinderung von Gewalt entwickelt
“An Action Plan for Africa” on the Role of Religious Leaders in Preventing Incitement to Violence
“Un plan de acción para África” sobre el papel de los líderes religiosos en la prevención de la incitación a la violencia
International Conference on Conflict Mitigation, Dialogue, and Reconciliation in Syria: Call for Papers and Participation
IPI Conferene, Yangon
KAICIID Hosts Panel on “Religious Sensitivity in Breaking News Coverage” at International Press Freedom Conference: Religious leaders and journalists explore how crisis news reporting shapes perceptions of religio
KIFP 2016 Houses of Worship Tour
KAICIID Fellows Take part in Tour of Houses of Worship
Chief Rabbi David Rosen
The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable
KAICIID Secretary General speaks at the World Humanitarian Summit, May 23, 2016. Photo: KAICIID
Secretario General del KAICIID exhorta a los líderes reunidos en la Cumbre Humanitaria Mundial a integrar la cooperación interreligiosa en la agenda para la humanidad
KAICIID Secretary General speaks at the World Humanitarian Summit, May 23, 2016. Photo: KAICIID
Secretario General del KAICIID exhorta a los líderes reunidos en la Cumbre Humanitaria Mundial a integrar la cooperación interreligiosa en la agenda para la humanidad