KAICIID Board Deplores Violence against Others following Terror Attacks in Medina, Baghdad, Dhaka, Istanbul

The KAICIID Board of Directors, consisting of representatives of five religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism - unanimously express their deepest condolences to the victims and their families of the attacks that have occurred in the past days in Medina, Baghdad, Dhaka, Istanbul and elsewhere, and issued today the following statement:
With great sorrow, we offer our condolences and mourn the deaths and injuries caused by acts of bigoted and merciless terrorism in Medina, Baghdad, Dhaka, and Istanbul. In the past days, we have been shocked by the violence committed by those who misuse religion to justify the unjustifiable: violence against others and against their holy sites of worship. In the face of this violence, we call upon all people of goodwill to stand together in rejecting all forms of prejudice against people of different religious beliefs and cultures. In unity, no violence or terror can ever move us from a path to peace among all peoples and cultures. We remain firmly resolved to rely upon dialogue to achieve reconciliation.
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The KAICIID Board of Directors, consisting of representatives of five religions - Buddhism,…