FAITH4SDGs: Quality Education: Linking Learning To Earning (Goal 4)
FAITH4SDGs: Quality Education: Linking Learning To Earning (Goal 4)
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
As part of KAICIID's Faith4SDGs digital storytelling project, we will screen a short film highlighting the work of faith-based organzation Finn Church Aid. The organization has implemented a vocational education and training project in Rwamwanja refugee settlement in Uganda, which is managed by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Ugandan Office of the the Prime Minister, in order to equip young people with much-needed job skills. Their offices rely on NGOs and FBOs like Finn Church Aid to provide refugee support such as job training and courses in micro entrepreneurship.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 750 million adults remained illiterate and more than 250 million children were out of school. More than half of those in school were not meeting minimum proficiency standards in reading and maths. COVID safety concerns have forced schools to close for 90 per cent of the world’s students. At least 500 million educationally displaced youth still lack remote learning capabilities due to the digital divide and other structural disadvantages. The UN estimates that more than 200 million children will still be out of school by 2030.
UNICEF estimates that faith communities operate half of the world’s schools, most crucially in hard to reach places where governments are unable to provide for poor and vulnerable youth.
Join experts in the field of education to explore opportunities for providing practical job and skill training for youth, enhancing learning experiences, offering new methods of digital education and ensuring that young people are not left behind during the pandemic.
You are encouraged to submit questions and topics you would like our experts to address!
Heidi Rautionmaa
Heidi Rautionmaa is an educator and Lutheran pastor, with over 20 years of experience in organizing interfaith activities between women, youth and religious communities at the grassroots level in Finland. She has also worked internationally through her participation as the Global Council Trustee of United Religions Initiative and as a co-chair of Religions for Peace European Women of Faith Network.
Currently Heidi is a board member of the European Network on Religion & Belief, a committee member of Religions for Peace (RfP) in Europe and an ambassador of the Parliament of World's Religions. Heidi chairs the RfP Women of Faith Network and Faiths Without Borders (Uskot ilman rajoja ry) in Finland.
She works as a project planner for teacher training at the faculty of educational sciences at the University in Helsinki, providing study material for inter worldview education. She is also writing her PhD theses on the pedagogy of inter worldview education.
Dr. Ashin Vicittasara
Dr. Ashin Vicittasara received his basic and higher monastic education in various Buddhist institutions and went on to study at the Mandalay Sasana University , Yangon ITBMU and Varanasi SSU India. He was a member of the faculty of Central University of Tibetan Studies (founded by HH Dalai Lama) from 2010 to 2012. In 2012, he returned home to lead Buddhist Educational Activities.
He is now the founder and principal of Dhamma Ganga Buddhist Pali College, Yangon, Myanmar, a well-known author of 10 books and several publications, and the host of Buddhist Lecture programs on two state TV stations MRTV and MWD. These programs are immensely influential as sources of guidance for Buddhist communities at home and abroad, and to provide positive role models for youth.
Caphas Mugabi
Caphas Mugabi is a Senior Area Manager and Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Specialist from Finn Church Aid in Uganda.
Tegulwa Nageeba Hassan
Tegulwa Nageeba Hassan is a teacher and the Executive Director of the Restoring and Empowering Communities and Ambassadors Book Club in Uganda. She works with school children and teachers on anti-bullying, cultural diversity and child welfare curriculum, as well as community interfaith initiatives with people from different tribes, cultures and faith backgrounds.
Marlen Rabl
Marlen Rabl is the Programme Manager for Fellows Network, at KAICIID. Prior to that, she has been responsible for Nigeria Programme since 2016. Marlen studied Religion, International Relations and the Sociology of Religion in Germany, France, and England.