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Tapana Mishra das

País: India

Afiliación religiosa: Hinduism

Service to God is service to humanity

Governing Body Commissioner & Minister for Education at International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

Tapana Mishra das serves as a Governing Body Commissioner (GBC) for International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Since 1997, he has been associated with ISKCON in many different capacities. He currently also serves as the vice chairman of the worldwide governing council of ISKCON, its Minister of Education and a co-director at its world headquarters. He served on the board of several billion dollar companies in his secular career and held senior management positions in both government and corporate sector. He took an early retirement at age 36. He has travelled to over 50 countries and is interseted in observing cultural sensitivities during his travels. He received his undergraduate degree from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi and MBA from Faculty of Managment Studies, Delhi.