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Dr. Shaimaa Ballout

País: Saudi Arabia

Año: 2022

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University

Shaimaa is an assistant professor in Islamic studies, specialising in Da’wah and leadership studies. She aspires to build an impressive portfolio that includes research, training and teaching (in the subjects of Islamic culture and Da'wah). Interested in contemporary Islamic research and studies related to empowering Muslim women around the world, she has published many papers about Muslims in Western society and knowledge trends in the development of Islamic thought. Her latest article looked at the social shift towards the act of face covering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Shaimaa is a certified trainer in creative thinking, e-learning and academic development. Currently a faculty in department of Islamic studies in Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman university in Riyadh, she studied and resided in Malaysia for many years, practicing non-formal interfaith dialogue with colleagues, neighbours and friends. She witnessed the interfaith dialogue of life in the community, through open houses, parties and social events and this experience enriched her awareness of religions and cultures.