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Dr. Rafael Ruiz Andres

País: Spain

Año: 2022

Researcher, Institute of Religious Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid and Junior Researcher, Foundation for Islamic Culture and Religious Tolerance (FICRT)

Rafael is a researcher at the Institute of Religious Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid and a junior researcher at the Foundation for Islamic Culture and Religious Tolerance (FICRT). After a four-year predoctoral contract (FPU-MEC, Spanish Ministry of Education), in November 2019 he obtained a PhD in religious sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid by conducting a study focusing on the process of secularisation in Spain from 1960 to 2019. He also formed part of the Europaeum Scholarship Programme (2018–2019) and carried out a predoctoral stay at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (2018). His main research interests revolve around historical sociology, secularisation, interreligious dialogue, cultural memory and post-secularity topics on which he has published articles in indexed journals and books. He has actively participated in the organisation of different academic activities with the Association of Young Researchers in Religious Sciences (AJICR), such as the Conference on Religion and Politics (2017, 2019) and the Meetings of Young Researchers in Religious Sciences (2017, 2019).