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Amanda Figueras Fernandez

País: Spain

Año: 2022

Executive Office Manager, Foro Abraham for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue

Amanda is a journalist and writer who has working for more than a decade at the Spanish newspaper El Mundo where she has achieved many successes. She is a truly passionate about interfaith and intercultural dialogue and has worked with the Spanish association, Foro Abraham, for more than five years. Amanda was also a Fellow of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), where she has remained an active member of the fellowship community and has previously been selected as a local project manager. In addition to her professional work as a journalist, she collaborates with associations, participating in events, and being active on social media – where collectively she has more than 13,000 followers – in order to foster dialogue, build bridges between different people and to fight against Islamophobia and hate speech. In 2018 she launched her book 'Por qué el islam: mi vida como mujer, europea y musulmana' (Why Islam: my life as a woman, European and Muslim).