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Faith for SDGs: Global Action through Dialogue
This webinar is hosted in partnership with World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

The Global Festival Of Action, organized by the United Nations SDG Action Campaign, invites SDG actors from across the world to build capacity, share knowledge, and form and strengthen networks during this time of physical distance, when community connections are needed more than ever.

Together with our partner World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), KAICIID is inviting experts in the field of sustainable development to address how dialogue and global partnerships can #TurnitAround for people and planet. The discussion, which will be facilitated by the Scouts, will call on experts to share how they overcame challenges in the implementation of the SDGs and share best practices for collaboration and broadening geographic engagement.


Project presentations:



Amal Ridene is a World Youth Advisor to the World Scout Committee, an accredited KAICIID Dialogue for Peace trainer and a Tunisian Scouts leader. Added to her job as a private equity analyst, Amal volunteers as a unit leader of girl guides, who are young girl scouts aged between 12 and 17 years old.

During the webinar, Amal will be sharing her experience about “TUNPeace” project, that she is leading in Kelibia, Tunisia, to provide an active learning experience to young people to become peacebuilders through a series of activities, workshops, projects and interaction with different society components. 






Luis Aguayo is originally from Mexico. During the webinar, he will present the Scout Donation Platform, the World Scouting’s dedicated crowdfunding place, through which he supports Scouts worldwide to tell their story and raise funds for the causes they value the most.  










Sol Conte is a Scout from Argentina. She has studied Recreation and is currently an advanced student in Science Education. She believes in scouting as an educational movement that is able to show other possible worlds, spreading tools to build them.

Currently, she is coordinating the Dialogue for Peace Program in Scouts de Argentina and is also collaborating with trainings of Dialogue for Peace in the Interamerican Scout Region.

During the webinar she will present Dialogue for Peace project “Spreading dialogue for mutual understanding”, which promotes dialogue in their society. The project is carried out through an online course available for scouts from Interamerica.


Elias Szczytnicki

Secretary General and Regional Director of Religions for Peace, Latin American and the Caribbean.

Elias Szczytnicki has extensive and distinguished experience in interreligious relations.  Since 2004, he has served as Secretary General of the Latin American and Caribbean Council of Religious Leaders (LACCRL) and the Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Office of Religions for Peace.

As LACCRL Secretary General, Mr. Szczytnicki organises high level meetings of religious leaders with important international personalities, including Pope Francis. He also represents the LACCRL in various meetings of the United Nations and their agencies, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Mr. Szczytnicki comes to Religions for Peace after serving as Secretary of Religions for Peace’s Interreligious Council of Peru.  He also has been a Member of the National Executive Committee of the Consensus-Building Table on Fighting against Poverty of Peru and a Lecturer in Judaism at the Center of Oriental Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).

Mr. Szczytnicki holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the PUCP.  Also, he is a graduate of the Certificate on Jewish Nonprofit Management at the Latin American Training and Investigation Center for Jewish Institutional Leadership “Leatid”.

Rudelmar Bueno de Faria

General Secretary (CEO) of the ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is an international coalition of more than 130 churches and faith-based organizations working together in humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and advocacy work in over 120 countries. Mr. de Faria served as the World Council of Churches Representative to the United Nations and Deputy Director of the Lutheran World Service. He has over 25 years of experience working with national and international non-governmental organizations. His education and training embraces business administration, international relations, community development and international humanitarian law. Under his leadership, the ACT Alliance developed a new strategic direction focusing on gender, including strategic partnerships with UNFPA and UN-Women, and ACT Alliance commitments to the Nairobi Statement on ICPD25.

Mr. de Faria is a Commissioner in the UN High-Level Commission of the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up, co-Chair and member of the United Nations Multi-faith Advisory Council, member of the Steering Committee on Humanitarian Response, member of the United Nations Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence, member of the Advisory Board for the Humanitarian Encyclopedia, member of the UN-Women Leadership and Planning Committee of the Generation Equality campaign around Beijing+25, member of the NGO Working Group on the United Nations Security Council. 


Daniel Perell

Daniel Perell joined the Baha'i International Community’s United Nations Office as a Representative in 2011. His areas of work include social and sustainable development, climate change and the environment, global citizenship, human rights, and the role of religion in society. He is formerly a Global Organizing Partner of the NGO Major Group and Chair of the NGO Committee for Social Development. In 2010, Mr. Perell received a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law and an MA in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University and was admitted to the New York State Bar Association. Mr. Perell has worked with the International Service for Human Rights in Geneva, the UN in Aceh, Indonesia and other organizations in the Marshall Islands and Chile.



Jimena Ojeda Ramirez

Jimena Ojeda Ramirez, from Perú, is an Environmental Scientist and Internationalist by profession. She graduated from Iowa State University in USA.

She is a WOSM Youth Representative, lead on the Gender Equality Portfolio and co-lead on Environment.  She is also a Youth Advisor to the Interamerican Scout Committee. Currently, she is starting an organic and sustainable business. 


Where Online Zoom Application
Time Europe/Lisbon
Elias Szczytnicki
Rudelmar Bueno de Faria
Daniel Perell
Language English
Interpretation Arabic