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Josephine Bweyale

País: Uganda

Año: 2020

Idiomas: Luganda, English

Especialidad: Education

Afiliación religiosa: Christianity

Senior Lecturer, Makerere University

Dr. Bweyale Josephine is a senior lecturer at Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda. Josephine specializes in training of secondary school teachers in the subject of religion. Having grown up in an African patriarchal context where women are considered jural minors, Josephine became interested in research that could re-define the nature of personhood and began to inquire into issues of equality and human dignity. She became so passionate with respect for human rights and equal treatment for all irrespective of race, gender, age and status that it led her to pursue a doctorate in philosophy on “Human Rights Education in African contexts”.

She identified that dialogue and negotiation are key for the well-being of humanity. She has carried out research and published articles on interreligious dialogue in Uganda. Her main argument is that the divided approach to teaching religious education in schools is not conducive for interreligious dialogue. She has contributed to the revision of religious education curriculum and syllabus.