Rev. Jose Nandhikkara CMI
Land: Indien
Jahr: 2015
Sprachen: Englisch
Organisationen: Carmelites of Mary Immaculate - Dharmaram College
Sachverstand: Education, Philosophy, Comparative Religions
Fokusbereich: Academic, Religious
Religionszugehörigkeit: Christentum
Rev. Jose Nandhikkara CMI, priest of the Carmelite, is the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram and Head of the Department of Philosophy at Christ University, Bangalore. He also serves as director of the Centre for the Study of World Religions (Center for the Study of World Religions) and as editor of the Journal of Dharma. He also works in the area, comparative ReligionswissenschaftundReligiöse Erfahrungund supported religions in pursuit of the harmony of life and followings in religious experience, through visits, workshops, lectures and conferences. In his interfaith work, he follows the Vedic conception, "Let noble thoughts come from all sides" (Rgveda 1.89.1) and the motto "Fides traversing Harmonium Vitae" - faith in search of the harmony of life. He has an excellent academic record with three bachelor's degrees in philosophy, theology and geology, a master's degree in philosophy and theology from the University of Oxford and a licentiate in philosophy the Gregorian University in Rome. He has a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Warwick in the UK. His dissertation is entitled "Being Human from a Religious Point of View, after Wittgenstein" (Being Human from a religious perspective, Wittgenstein). Rev. Nandhikkara has written a book: Being Human after Wittgenstein: A Philosophical Anthropology and has the following collections published: Ethical Interface: Literature, Economics, Politics, Religion. In addition, he has published twenty research articles in several national and international journals and edited anthologies. He has several national and international conferences attended, where he performs research on philosophy and religion studies.