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KAICIID Global Dialogue Forum

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The International Dialogue Centre – KAICIID convened the KAICIID Global Dialogue Forum in Lisbon, Portugal, on 14-16 May 2024, building on its twelve years of experience creating dialogue platforms to address some of the most pressing global challenges.

At the core of this Global Forum is the commitment to use transformative dialogue as a powerful mechanism to harness human dignity and foster global solidarity, particularly in the areas of peacebuilding, inclusive cities, and climate change.

This Global Forum is an exclusive gathering of global influential leaders from decision-making institutions, both secular and religious, to dialogue and strategise together to develop inclusive partnerships that emphasise the holistic and interconnected nature of some of the major challenges we face today.

Learn more about the Forum at www.kaiciidglobalforum.org


Watch a summary video of the 2024 KAICIID Global Dialogue Forum:



Watch the full recording of the 2024 KAICIID Global Dialogue Forum:



Key Takeaways of the Forum



Photo Gallery


See the full photo gallery here