Search the Peace Map

The Dialogue Knowledge Hub is introducing a series of 'How To' webinars, presenting its different resources and online tools. 


Search the Peacemap Image


The pilot webinar in the series of 'How To' KAICIID will present How To Search The Peace Map. 

PEACE MAP is an interactive tool for students, researchers, policymakers, practitioners and dialogue experts to locate, learn and understand organizations active in the field of interreligious dialogue (IRD) worldwide. Currently, you can search for organizations engaged in IRD activities with international and national outreach.  To broaden the user’s knowledge about interreligious/interfaith dialogue initiatives and actors around the world, the Peace Map aims to display and analyse the breadth of interreligious dialogue (IRD) activities and the numerous ways practitioners engage in interreligious and intercultural understanding. It also seeks to enhance networking among practitioners of interreligious/interfaith dialogue and to become a platform to present global and national IRD activities. 

KAICIID's colourful Peace Map is a great tool to discover and learn more about different organizations, their histories and activities operating around the world promoting conflict resolution, development, education and upholding human rights.

You can explore the Peace Map in different steps:

  1. you can find organizations by e.g. name, location, or keyword, via the interactive map, the timeline or the search function
  2. display your search results in the map or view your selection in a list that appears over the map
  3. export the information in an Excel spreadsheet

The upcoming webinar shall demonstrate searching through the Peace Map and making the most out of its interactive features. Find out how to look for organizations by the type of activities they are engaged in. Through the unique sections Areas of Action and Forms of Action, the user can discover how diverse the work in the field of interreligious dialogue is.