Establishing Platforms in Conflict Areas to Support the Mobilisation of Local Faith Communities

Join the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities (JLI) and International Dialogue Center (KAICIID) joint webinar series!




This first webinar presents two of KAICIID’s interreligious programs:

The newly launched Network for Religious Muslim and Christian Faculties and Institutes in the Arab World – the first network of its kind, as well as much needed and often requested High-level Religious Leaders Joint Platforms. The Centre also work with partners in Nigeria to build inclusive and sustainable platforms for inter-religious and intra-religious dialogue.  

Bringing together regional experts Cosette Maiky (Arab Region), and Joseph Tanko Atang (Nigeria), this webinar will discuss the process of platform development and creation, successes and challenges. Experts will also share how platforms can effectively increase engagement with local communities.