Canadian Parliamentary Delegation Briefed on KAICIID’s Activities to Promote Social Cohesion in Diverse Societies

17 April 2018

A delegation of parliamentarians from Canada visited the headquarters of the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) on 17 April for an informational meeting and briefing. The delegation from the Executive Committee of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association included: Mr. Scott Simms M.P., Executive Committee Chair; Hon. Percy E. Downe, Senator, Executive Committee Vice-Chair; and Mr. David Tilson, M.P., Executive Committee Member. They were received by Ambassador Alvaro Albacete, KAICIID Deputy Secretary General, and the KAICIID Director General Fahad Abualnasr.

The delegation was conducting a parliamentary mission to Austria, which will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

During their visit to the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), the delegation was briefed on the Centre’s activities, including the work carried out by the Centre’s staff to support interreligious platforms in the Arab region, the Central African Republic, Myanmar and Nigeria. They also discussed the Centre’s efforts to promote social cohesion in multicultural societies, in particular through a focus on common citizenship.